Sunday, October 5, 2008

What goes around, comes around

Have you ever asked yourself when something bad happens, how did this happen? I'm certain you have as all of us do that very thing. Have you ever taken any logic training? If so, you know that if you start with A then you next have B and then C, you can logically deduce that D will come next. Sounds easy, right? Let's take a look at a few real life examples.

Suppose you know someone who smokes from an early age onward and they get emphesema. Are you shocked? Should that person be shocked? What about the drunkard? He drinks his entire life and dies from liver issues. Is that such a mystery that no one could see it coming? What about the over eater who dies from obesity? The over achiever who dies from heart issues?

I am certain you will agree with me and say no is shocked. However, many are shocked or act shocked when things like this happen everyday! It is plain to see and yet in emotional times, many of us neglect this little rule of nature and science. What is that rule?

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is Newton's third law. In other words, you think you can get by, but you can't. If you hold a loaded gun to your head and pull the trigger, why are you shocked when you are shot in the head?

I know you are probably laughing at this due to its simplicity, yet it is 100% true. It is this simple. There are harder cases I know, but the truth of it is, most people get what they do to themselves. Let's stop being silly and no longer be shocked.

Let's look at a different case to prove this. OJ Simpson got away with cold blooded double murder 13 years ago. This weekend he was convicted on charges over some junk he took back from those he claim stole it. However, holding a gun and people against their will is against the law. OJ got away then, but let's not be shocked that he finally received justice in this life and I believe in the one to come.

One other case. Barack Obama. If this guy gets elected and you are shocked that our country will slide into socialism and the economy will go into deep recession, then you are as foolish as those I spoke concerning above. If you put a socialist with Marxist leanings in the White House who hates America and he attempts to destroy her, why would you be shocked?

This election is serious and everyone should love their country and vote accordingly. It will be terrible if Obama garners even a single vote. If you hate your country that much, please stand up and I will raise the funds to see you get what you deserve. A nice stay in Cuba or Iran or Russia perhaps! I will make certain you get someplace where you will not spew your vile without having your tongue cut out at the least. You will then love America, but for you, it will be too late.

I give you fair warning now. If you vote for this terrorist loving, socialistic, marxist leaning America hater, do not be surprised when you and your family are destroyed by those same like minded haters. I ask you to consider this, spread the word, get out and do what you can for your country. The last great Democratic President this country had said "Ask not what your country can do for you. rather, ask what you can do for your country" In that same speech, he said: "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty."

Does that sound like any democrat you know today save Joe Lieberman and Zell Miller? I dare say you cannot say yes. Let's band together, let's vote for our country and not against her. Let's not wake up on 11/5/08 and say we do not understand how we have a Pres. Obama! God Forbid! Vote for change. Vote for real American change. Vote for those who will reform this Government. Those who will cut spending. Those who believe in and love America! Not these haters known as the Obama's. Not the Democrats. Not the Socialists. Not the Marxist. For all that is in me, I beg you to vote Republican and give Lady Liberty a chance to keep us free!


Tilda said...

As you can tell, my husband is very passionate about America. So am I, therefore, I would like to break things down a little bit regarding voting issues.

If you want to remain in a capitalistic society (free market) - vote for McCain/Palin

If you would prefer a socialistic/Marxist society (distribution of goods)- vote for Obama/Biden

If you want our troops to stay in Iraq until we have victory - vote for McCain/Palin

If you want our troops removed from Iraq before we have victory - vote for Obama/Biden

If you love America but realize it is not perfect and needs to be reformed - vote for McCain/Palin

If you hate what America stands for and don't want reform but a complete makeover similar to foreign countries - vote for Obama/Biden

Many people are going to go out and vote this year simply because they want to be a part of making history by electing the first black man as President. Therefore, some people will vote for Obama simply because he is black. Others will vote for him because they feel guilty for what their ancestors did to blacks in the past. Neither of these reasons is a good reason to elect someone for President of the U.S.

However, if you want to vote simply to be a part of making history, then vote for the McCain/Palin ticket. You could help elect the first woman VP in the U.S. This choice would help this country instead of hurting it.

Of course, the smart move would be to take some time to look at the issues and do research to see what you will be getting yourself into if you elect Obama. Sure, he is for "change" but that is not a new concept. Every other candidate who has ever tried to become President has been for "change" too. It is the kind of "change" that matters. There is good change and there is bad change.

I hope you make the right decision because it doesn't just affect you - it affects all of us!

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

i have read your writings and I enjoy reading your thoughts on all these diverse subjects. Please continue to write your opinions on any thing you think would be of interest to all of us.