Saturday, September 27, 2008

Common Sense beginnings

Hello all:

Welcome to my new blog/podcast for my thoughts on Common Sense. I am writing the blog first and will do the podcast later. I will add it's link here and we will go from there.

I think it is appropriate to start with the reasons why I wanted to start this blog/podcast. First, I believe there is a dearth of common sense in our country today. Second, I believe while some of common sense is inborn within each and everyone of us, I believe a majority of it is learned as we go through life. Third, I think the dumbing down of America has caused common sense to become uncommon sense! I hope to decrease that dumbed down affect by writing and talking about this.

I am not the brightest guy in the world, but I do have sense that I think is uncommon. However, if this thing is going to be a success, I need you. I need your thoughts, your uncommon sense, your criticism, show ideas and yes, even your praise when I say something that makes you go AHA! Interaction is the key to making the web successful. Communication is one of the "secrets" to life. If we have a failure to communicate, the system breaks down.

One of my goals for this blog is to spread uncommon sense to the point where it is again common sense. Another goal is share my thoughts on everything that makes good common sense. This will run the gambit from politics to education, everyday living, religion and just a general method of thinking and seeing the world perhaps a bit different than you do today.

How often will I do a show/blog? At least once a week. Do not hold me to it, but I may do 2-3 a week once I get rolling, but there is no guarantee to that. However, I will do at least one show/blog a week and that is guaranteed, barring I get sick or am out of town. Other than that, I will do one a week.

Both the blog/podcast will be fairly short. The podcast should never exceed 10-15 minutes and on occasion will even be 5 minutes long. Therefore, even those of you with weak internet connections can probably hear the show. If you cannot, I will post highlights here from it. This way, those who choose to hear, will hear and those who choose to read, will read. Any links I may mention on the show will be posted here so if you hear me mention a site, just come here and the link will be posted.

That pretty much explains my reasons for doing the show and gives you the layout of it. With all that completed, let's keep it short today and just raise 1 or 2 quick items.

Common sense is mostly learned and not innate to humans or animals. Let's start with a definition of common sense by breaking down the words and putting together what they mean. From we find the word common and part of its meaning is:

belonging equally to, or shared alike by, two or more or all in question: common property; common interests.
pertaining or belonging equally to an entire community, nation, or culture; public: a common language or history; a common water-supply system.
joint; united: a common defense.
widespread; general; ordinary: common knowledge.

So we see the word common means we all have it, share it etc.

From the same site, sense for our purposes here means:

a faculty or function of the mind analogous to sensation: the moral sense.
any special capacity for perception, estimation, appreciation, etc.: a sense of humor.

Perception works for us here. So we can see it is a perception held by all. Do we all have common sense today? That part that is inborn, we do have it, but may have lost it along our way. Let's discuss the difference between innate or inborn and learned common sense.

A new baby is born and it must eat to survive. Eating is common and a baby has the sense to suck a bottle to not only stay alive, but to grow and prosper. That is innate. Another innate sense built in is touch. A baby/small child uses touch as part of its learning. It touches its own toes, mothers face, toys, animals, food, everything is touched and learned by a baby/toddler.

That baby/toddler/young child has no idea that the stove that is heated to 450 degrees is hot and will burn and possibly kill it. Once it touches that hot stove, those innate senses and nerves jump into action causing a pulling away and a pain that is quickly learned and the child now has a sense that is held in common by all of us that the stove is to be untouched from here on out until that child grows and learns to properly handle that stove.

That is the easiest example I can think of to show how some common sense is inborn and other common sense is learned behavior. It is that learned behavior that is unlearned from most people today.

Let's go with one more example before we rap this up. Abortion is wrong and everyone knows it, but many rationalize it by saying it is the females perogative to have the abortion. We have called the unborn baby a fetus in order to not call it human. This takes away the stain of murder so we rationalize and think. Here is uncommon sense. Abortion = murder. Put another way 1 + 1 = 2. Everyone agrees with that. If I say the answer is 1.5 or 3 or some other number you will know I am certainly wrong and posssibly stupid or foolish.

Taken from the Bible, when Mary approached Elizabeth, Elizabeth told Mary her baby (babe) had leapt with joy. It was not a fetus, but a baby. Elizabeth was still pregnant at the time. She was six months along. That baby would be called John the baptizer. So you see, this "fetus" is a baby, a baby is human and to kill a human is murder and there is no other way around it. You can cry, scream and lie all you want, but there you have it. Roe v Wade has helped our dumbing down of America and many have bought this filth hook, line and sinker.

I hope you enjoyed this first blog and I am expecting lots of feedback. Give me all you got and let's communicate. Until next time, take care of yourselves and keep reading/listening.


Ellen said...

Well this is new, I like it I have e-mailed the link out to about 75 people hope you do not mind, I figure spreading the word is the best for diffrent feedback,so lets see what happens!
I agree about abortion it is murder no way around it.

Pam said...

Hey Danny,
I believe common sense is another one of those things like morals & values, that are too quickly becoming a part of history! I couldn't agree more with the abortion issue, most people "Justify" why they do it, like you said by calling a baby a fetus is how they justify it, by taking the human factor out, makes it easier, as you know people do this with all things that are wrong.

Anonymous said...

I personallty could never have an abortion. I believe that a "fetus" is a baby from the moment of conception. I also think that a woman has the right to choose and let God judge her for what she has done. I sure as heck don't want anyone telling me how to live my life so I would not tell someone how to live theirs. The government needs to butt out

Anonymous said...

that should have been personally....oooppps I made a mistake....should have looked it over a little better before I hit publish

Tilda said...

Why should a woman be given the choice to abort/kill her child? Was she given this choice by God through some scripture in the Bible? If so, I would like to know where this scripture can be found. This choice was given to her by man, not God, and it is not man’s right to give. One of the Ten Commandments says "You Shall Not Murder". This commandment is not gender specific.

If a woman wants to choose to have her body tattooed or pierced, smoke cigarettes, do drugs, etc., then that is up to her. Granted, those are bad choices but they are choices she can make that only involve her body. However, when a woman gets pregnant, a child grows inside her body, and the child has a separate body of its own. So why should a woman have the choice to kill the body of the child? The killing of an innocent child is one of the most wicked crimes a human can commit.

Women who get pregnant and truly do not want their children do have a choice - they can give them up for adoption. That way, they will not be committing murder and they will be giving their innocent babies a chance to live with someone who wants and loves them.

Anonymous said...

ditto to tilda. you said it very clear. babies can always be adopted to a loving family....

Pam said...

I agree with Tilda, you know it makes no sense as to how people can say its a womans right, How can she kill her own innocent baby! if people think this is ok, then how twisted are they, then by the same rules why can't child molesters say, its their right to molest & kill our children! I mean , in their minds they justify what they do, but society stands & says, NO! THIS IS WRONG!! but with womens rights, society says yes, this is right! So therefore people go along with what society says is acceptable or unacceptable behavior! So tell me this, when are we gonna wake up & see that we're selling out what we ALL once believed because society tells us that is what we need to do!!

Pam said...

I have 1 more question for everyone out there: Why is it ok to murder our own children in the womb, but yet after they are born, why is it that if we discipline them, by spanking them, than thats against the law & we go to jail for it??? Where in the world of common sense does this make any sense at all???